Fight! Mortal Kombat is not an easy game until one plays it for duration of time. The characters are made up of different races and gender. One will encounter an Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic and also African American character. This game in my opinion is very diverse and many can relate to the character. When I play this I never really choose the race of my background, but of another race on the chart. The game is highly aggressive and violent at the same time. There are different stages of this game, where one can move up to a higher level. The game usually has three rounds of one fighting their opponent to win the battle. However, one will observe the culture of power and who is really the dominant race in the game. Technically there is more white male character than any other race.
Therefore, there are also character that look like creatures, but one can see the skin color underneath their costume. Would this game be considering violence in pop culture? I think that there are a high percentage of children, adapting what they see in the video game to the reality of their life. It is up to their parent to teach them right from wrong. While playing this game I was fascinating to see that women are not a bystander, but actually fighting in the game. I have been playing this game for years, but have not realized the low percentage of women fighting. After reading the article of “The connection: Life, Knowledge, and Media it made me realize that we cannot always be looking at one perspective of life. The goal is to reconstruct your knowledge, and know there is right and wrong of many situations in life. When I apply this to article to Mortal Kombat, I analyze that in the game that there is a higher percentage of a certain race, but also there is other races to be depicted.