Friday, December 4, 2009
Video Game as a Medium
Video game as a medium is finally being notice through the entertainment industry. Around the 21st century is when video game played a huge affect on society. Society are comparing video games to film because of the similarities. Video games is touching all aspect of life and is moving to all genders and cultures around the world. Culture and gender is usually important in video games, because they are times when one might be playing video games and they come from a different sex or race. Video games has an impact on our life because we experience what the characters our doing and apply it to our life. Therefore, when playing video games we are able to understand the creator of the game thesis of the game and analyze it from our point of view.
Archetypes on Acid
To many people playing video game in the arcade, it is not as popular playing video games at home. There is a huge change from the 20Th century to the 21st century when playing video games. When we play video games we tend to experience with the characters movement and use them in our life. Playing video games at home is much cheaper than having to go to the arcade and spend a tremendous amount of money. Throughout our experience playing video game we look for graphic and the storyline to be entertained. However, throughout the years video will change because even now it is being compared to films. As we play these games we tend to go into this fantasy world that everything we are playing is true.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
UnCharted 2
This game was like watching a movie at the movie theater, with the graphic and the amazing storyline. The game was very interesting because I got to see how the characters interact. Even though it was a violent and aggressive game the storyline was good. The graphics was realistic, that it made me feel like I was actually there in the game. Watching the game had me at an emotional state of mind, where I place myself in the characters role. I enjoyed the fact that a woman played an aggressive role, which I do not find in video games often. She played as a hero, instead of a victim. Her role was very vital because she helps the male protagonist and antagonist character in the game. She gives clues to the protagonist to help him find his destination. I would recommend this video game to others, because I was really involved in the storyline.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Art form for the digital ages
Video games have been known to many individuals worldwide, but are art a form for the digital ages? This question really has me thinking if video game is transform into art form throughout the society. Video games are becoming a part of film, and also could be played on the computer. According to the article, computer game is a popular art and is starting to emerge throughout society. Art is going to grow tremendously throughout the 21st century, because many are attracted by the graphics. When one looks at art in the digital age, they will see how lively it views and how the character look like real human being. Game designer has become creative in choosing different scenery, and the mood in the environment the characters are acting out. Video games tend to have us show emotions, and have a connection with them. Video game in my opinion is defiantly going to be a form of art years to come, and also it will be a challenge for the game designers. Therefore, art in video will reach many individuals around the world and they will realize the change as the play.
It is a video game certainly, but is it art?
This article was very interesting and helps me to understand art in video games. Dr.Jenkins point out some great facts about, how we can be emotional attached to video games. When one plays video game, one tends to build a connection with the character as if the really knew the charcter. Even though the characters are not real, one tends to express their feelings as the play the game. In the article Jenkins discuss about how he never was a huge fan of playing video games, but when he finally plays he started to cry. As we see these video games in art, we tend to feel that the scenery and the characters are so real. Video games are becoming more advance over the centuries and will change throughout the year. Art plays a major role in video game, and will become very popular over the years. Jenkins suggested incorporating critical vocabulary question to help understand video game through art and the words that tend to express one thought. Therefore, when you think about video games it is not only about adolescent play all day long, but art is very important in the game.
Monday, November 2, 2009
What the bleep do we ?
After watching this film, it really made me think about if I know everything in life. There are so many aspects of life that we as individual have not touched yet. People tend to live their lives not knowing what to expect. It is not what we do to our body, but what we do with our mind. Many individuals are not satisfied with their life, but want to change the way they are living. We must live our dreams to the fullest.
However, our brain is capable of many things, but we must transcend our self to a higher level. We must make a change in our life, and realize that there is more to live and learn. Love the abstract as you love whatever addiction, which one indulges their selves into repeatedly. Live your life in happiness, and not an addiction that will your life. Power of intangibility is what we call matter, and was highly discussed in the film.
Therefore, in the film one will understand and explore different emotions, addictions and know about God spiritually. God is always with us and guide us in the right direction. There is time when we lose track of time and our identity. The studies that the doctors speak about in the film, made me realize that we must have a positive thinking of live and know that there is so much to learn about in life. Never say that we know everything because that is not the case.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Analyzing Mortal Kombat Breifly
Fight! Mortal Kombat is not an easy game until one plays it for duration of time. The characters are made up of different races and gender. One will encounter an Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic and also African American character. This game in my opinion is very diverse and many can relate to the character. When I play this I never really choose the race of my background, but of another race on the chart. The game is highly aggressive and violent at the same time. There are different stages of this game, where one can move up to a higher level. The game usually has three rounds of one fighting their opponent to win the battle. However, one will observe the culture of power and who is really the dominant race in the game. Technically there is more white male character than any other race.
Therefore, there are also character that look like creatures, but one can see the skin color underneath their costume. Would this game be considering violence in pop culture? I think that there are a high percentage of children, adapting what they see in the video game to the reality of their life. It is up to their parent to teach them right from wrong. While playing this game I was fascinating to see that women are not a bystander, but actually fighting in the game. I have been playing this game for years, but have not realized the low percentage of women fighting. After reading the article of “The connection: Life, Knowledge, and Media it made me realize that we cannot always be looking at one perspective of life. The goal is to reconstruct your knowledge, and know there is right and wrong of many situations in life. When I apply this to article to Mortal Kombat, I analyze that in the game that there is a higher percentage of a certain race, but also there is other races to be depicted.
Super Mario Smash Brothers Brawl
The Super Mario Smash Brothers Brawl was so difficult for me when I played it the first time, but I guess I need more practice. When I picked the player that I wanted it was fairly easy, until I actually had to play. It took less than five minutes when I realize that I lost to the other player. I was so anticipated to play another round but there was something in the back of my mind that was just telling me to observe. One will encounter culture of power when playing this game because there are a wide variety of different races, gender and ethnicity. This game is highly aggressive, but very entertaining to watch.
However, I was comparing this game to Mortal Kombat, which I enjoy playing. I observe that there is a tremendous amount of violence that occurs in Mortal Kombat, but Super Mario Smash Brothers Brawl shows less violence then I would have intended. I am very impressed to see that they have a female fight, even though she is very girly, she is not being portrait as a bystander. The characters are look like creatures, but one can tell whether they are a female or a male competitor. This game I think was awesome all though I felt that I killed my own self.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Violence and Pop Culture
Everything this article had to say about violence and pop culture was phenomenal. It gets down to the basic of how children are easily influence by the media. This topic on violence and pop culture is an issue that parents needs to speak to their children about. Should we blame the media for our kid’s action? No I do not think we should blame the media because it is up to the parents to teach their kids right from wrong. When playing video game is violence that occurs at times, but it is up to the child, if they are going to take from the game and use it in life. If they were raise correctly they will know that violence is wrong and it solves nothing. Most of the video games I play are very violent, but I do not allow myself to be influence by the violence I perceive. The game which I enjoy playing and using in my analysis is mortal combat on the super Nintendo. Although it is a fighting game it is very entertaining and interesting in what these characters play. My favorite character is sub-zero because he would always be freezing his opponent to win his battle. Another is Lui Kane, who is popular for his Chinese act with his feet. This game is a challenge, but one can see the different race and ethnic background. There are actually female characters that actually fight, and that is what I like about this game. There are all types of race and gender, so whoever plays this game would not get offended. As the article say parents need to be aware of what their children are watching on the internet and playing. Many children who find themselves as being lonely, usually turn to the internet for comfort. We cannot let go of our children but understand their feelings.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Reaction to Gender in Video Games
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Fair Play Reaction (Race and Gender)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Facts on Fabric of Oppression
One of the oppression is called institutionalized oppression, which is basically the unfairness around society. There is legal and illegal, when it comes to institutionalized oppression. For an example women back then did not have a tremendous amount of opportunities, but just to stay at home and take care of the kids. There is also self perpetuating, but is difficult to change as a whole. There are times where there is power in fabric oppression, but those who do not receive power are called hegemony. Hegemony is taught in many ways especially through ones education in school and the media. Those who have access power in fabric of oppression are males who are white and very wealthy in their lifestyle.
Fabric of oppression is found in video games, especially the one that I am playing on my old Nintendo. There is always a certain group that is dominant while playing my video game. Individuals, who are interested in karate video game, would pick an Asian character over a Hispanic. There is a tremendous amount of stereotyping that occurs around us, but we never pay attention, because we are so caught up in society and what we grasp from the media on a daily basis.
The Connections: Life,Knowledge, and Media
Therefore, social learning theory is basically what we as individual take in, as what we are told and perceive around us in society. When we are told what to do, we are then rewarded for our accomplishments. After the reward, there is reinforcement, which is then it becomes internalized. Social learning theory is very straightforward and easy to understand the teaching to other.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Prince of Persia relation to Culture of power and Race &Ethnicity
We as individuals can clearly see how culture of power plays a role in this video game. Therefore, he is defeating male enemies so he can arrive to his treasure. Women are hardly seen in the game, accept once when a lady appeared playing a role to try to seduce him. However, her plan did not work and he was his way to capture his treasure. It shows that women were important at the time, going back hundred years ago. One may ask a question, “Why was there a woman character in the game”? I would think it was an entertainment for the male audience who plays the game.
Nevertheless, Ethnicity is related to the video game due to the common ancestry and the blood ties among the Indians. In this game, one can see that there are power issues towards the prince, because he wants to be accepted by his father. As he goes on his adventure he says, that he will win his father praise and not winning. This was a key he was determined to achieve his goal as the prince.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Viewpoint on Ethnicity and Race
However, race is how other defines the meaning, which is usually linked to blood types, hair texture, and the skin color. In society today, race is a huge factor that is quickly judge when an individual makes their first appearance. Does it matter what skin color you are? Do you have better hair texture than the other? These are questions that I ponder on while reading about race in this article.
Therefore, how can the issues we have with race and ethnicity get resolve if society makes a huge problem on the appearance? Ethnicity and Race are both linked to power, but have different concepts of how other perceive the meaning. According to the author of the article, “race refers to a group of human being socially defined on the basis of physical characteristic”(page 32) In the world that we are living in today, I wonder if they will stop judging us for what they see on the outside, but the characteristic that were portray.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Culture of power with video gaming
Therefore,after reading the article I realized that culture that culture of power is in video gaming today and also in the movie EXistenz.One will see that the gender of Caucasian male is predominant in the movie and in regular video game. If one would have to go back to the question in the article, of Paul Kivel to find out who have authority, they will see that Caucasian are in power. Individuals who are marginalized might feel that they are not included in anything because of their gender or race. Even the inventor of the game was a woman, it was still dominant with males. In my opinion, I feel that they show more respect to the one that has higher hierarchy. However, the one with higher respect is the one that gets to depict certain situation and make decision.